
Showing posts from July 24, 2016

Will a Man Rob God?

Bible scripture Malachi 3:8 asks, “Will a man rob God?” The answer is a resounding, YES.  Throughout my lifetime I’ve heard many ministers deliver sermons using Malachi 3:8 as the text for their messages.   However, their sermons all referenced robbing God by means of not paying tithes and offerings.   However, in this day and age neglecting to pay tithes and offerings aren’t the only methods of robbery occurring in houses of God. From a fraud examiner’s point of view another real issue is protecting donations from internal and external thieves. Internal Fraud Cases One would hope that houses of worship would be the last places criminals would defraud.   Unfortunately, that hope would be dashed. The same types of fraud that affect secular entities are also present in religious organizations. Worship centers are affected by fraud schemes more often that we know and in many instances are committed by those least expected, trusted members a...